
6 Tips For A Great About Page

6 Tips For A Great About Page

great about page

When visiting a law firm  website, you’ll often find an ‘About’ page available in their menu. Though this may often be treated as an afterthought, or filled with irrelevant content that only really speaks about the law firm owner, an About page can be used to successfully connect with visitors and build trust in knowing what a firm is all about.

Creating familiarity with what your firm can provide the values you hold and what you want to strive for can truly be an asset to your brand. Clients who read through About pages are interested in your brand and the people that are behind the firm, and this page helps them to decide whether your firm shows that it can solve their problems.

You may be at a loss on how to effectively convey all the things you and your firmoffer, but here are a few tips that can help you get started in creating a great About page.

Create Trust

Your About page is easily one of the more important pages on your law firm website, creating a sense of trust in you and your services you offer. Your About page should do more than just talk about you and your services, but also focus on being relatable to your client. After reading about how you started your brand, your values and beliefs, how your brand differs from others, and why your clients should choose you, they become more emotionally invested which creates a bond.

Your client should be a main focus, making them feel as though they are included and that they can trust you with solutions to any issues they have.

Show the People Behind Your Firm

It’s natural for humans to be drawn to faces. By including photos of you and the faces of your firm, your visitors are able to feel more comfortable that you are indeed real humans with lives behind the firm. Potential clients will be curious about those who work for your firm and what drives them to work in the industry. Don’t be afraid to tell your story and allow readers to get to know who you are and what you stand for.

Share Your Story

A brand story is what sets you apart, and because there are so many different types of people and law firms, it’s important to state what has brought you to where you are now. There are different ways to accomplish your story telling, but main elements to pay attention to are when you first started your firm, where you were located and where you are now, what made you start your firm, and how it has solved other client’s problems. Keep these stories as relevant and concise as you can, and avoid boasting or going off topic.

Other important things to share about your journey are your future plans. By sharing what’s to come shows that your firm has intentions to keep going, letting them know they can depend on you in the long run. Reassurance of how your law firm can benefit the viewer and having created reliability can make them take further action into choosing you and what you have to offer.

Where You Are Located and How to Contact

While your Contact page will provide your firm address and contact information, it still can build trust and familiarity in the area to state where you are based. Some people may find it less personable if you don’t mention your location, leaving them skeptical of your website and firm. Contact details should include the basics of email addresses, physical whereabouts, and phone numbers, but also don’t forget to include any social media handles that can connect you and your client even further.

Provide Different Types of Media

With humans being visual creatures, using photos, timelines, infographics, or videos can be a helpful way to draw more people in and pay attention. People have different ways of absorbing information, so using strong images, informative videos, or aesthetically pleasing designs leave a lasting impression while also still presenting the viewer with all the information they need.

Providing many ways to consume information is inclusive and more accessible to all types of people, which can offer a great user experience that sets you apart from other websites. While it can feel overwhelming to try and provide different types of media, realize it does not need to be a high tech video or anything extremely fancy, but simply just offer another way to state who and what your business is.

Successfully Marketing Yourself 

Just being honest about what you have to offer and what you stand for is enough for people to want to use your services. Established rapport can give a visitor confidence in your brand and to them personally that might be what sets you apart.

Try avoiding hype or being a salesperson on your About page, and realize that it is mostly there to build a bond with your clients. The people who are reading your About page may already be interested in your services, but are more interested in a connection with who you or your firm are.

At Conroy Creative Counsel, we help legal firms thrive and expand their reach online. Our expertise in impactful designs, deep understanding in marketing, and effective strategies are able to successfully give you a competitive advantage. Contact us today to learn how to stand out from the rest.


I'm Karin Conroy

Founder of Conroy Creative Counsel, an award-winning recognized leader that has cracked the code of smart, sophisticated, and strategic marketing for law firms.

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