
Featured on Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast

Featured on Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast

Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast


Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast


Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast Appearance: Why Your Old Website May Be Costing You Clients and Cash

I was featured on the Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast. The mission of the podcast is to provide thought-provoking powerful and practical information to help you in creating your own sustainable wealth-generating law firm without overwork or overwhelm so you can live your best life.

On this episode I speak about insightful marketing strategies to support the goals of law firms and specifically cover the topic “Why Your Old Website May Be Costing You Clients and Cash”.

“There’s constant evolution and change in marketing; there’s never going to be a textbook answer from one point in time that’s going to apply forever. The way we talk to clients is different than it was in 2007 and the way we approach positioning and technology is a completely different ball of wax. I’ve relearned how to make a website I can’t even count how many times over. So, I think the thing to focus on is that things change. And yes, you can really get it right and good right now, but you need to be aware of how things might be different a year or two from now.”

We speak about my journey, as well as:

  • The evolution of web design and digital marketing
  • Helping clients build unique brand identities
  • The importance of integrating a call to action on your website and in your marketing
  • Why continually refreshing your website and marketing is a necessity

Listen to the podcast here.


I'm Karin Conroy

Founder of Conroy Creative Counsel, an award-winning recognized leader that has cracked the code of smart, sophisticated, and strategic marketing for law firms.

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How we built our client’s websites to convey their message and deliver impact and measurable results for their law firms.


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