
Happy Anniversary, Counsel Cast: Discover Our Best Episodes Yet

Happy Anniversary, Counsel Cast: Discover Our Best Episodes Yet

Dive into Counsel Cast’s Top Episodes as we Celebrate our First Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to Counsel Cast! It’s hard to believe that we have been producing this podcast for a year now. Learning from our expert guests has been a truly enriching experience—and if you haven’t subscribed, you’re missing out on incredible tips, tricks and insights.

 I get it. There are so many podcasts out there and so much media competing for your attention, so there’s a good chance you’ve missed an episode or two. Or maybe you were wondering if Counsel Cast would really get off the ground…or just regurgitate the same boring marketing information you find on so many blogs and podcasts.

Here are some relevant stats we’re super proud of:

  • 10,000 downloads within the first 4 months
  • 25,000 downloads within the first 6 months
  • 75,000 downloads within the first year
  • Over 11K followers on Instagram
  • Over 90K views and 1.4K subscribers on YouTube 

Now’s the perfect time to dive in and see what you might have missed! I’m proud to showcase some of our most incredible episodes from the past year. From marketing and advertising to closing sales and making your overall work experience easier, here are some of our favorite guests and most popular topics.

How to harness marketing techniques to grow your firm

These episodes will demonstrate the ways you can grow your firm through great campaigns and staying on top of trends: 

  • What Is Legal Design Thinking? with Laura Hartnett: In this episode, we discuss the importance of making sure your client has an excellent experience. With empathy, design thinking and a positive attitude toward challenges, you can generate more referrals and improve your bottom line.
  • How Do You Measure PR? with Michelle Calcotte King: What’s the secret to getting noticed in the media and your community? You’ll learn how to create your firm’s voice and how to improve your reputation, produce quality content and harness the power of Google to promote your firm.
  • How Do You Monetize Podcasts? with Simona Costantini: If podcasting isn’t part of your marketing strategy, perhaps it should be. Simona Costantini reveals keys to monetizing your podcast, from initial startup costs to seven different ways to make it profitable.
  • What are the Best Marketing Methods for Introverted Lawyers? with Tara Reid: Many lawyers find marketing and public relations draining. In this episode, I talk to Tara Reid about what it means to be an introvert in the legal profession—and how you can make introversion work for you.
  • What’s Next in Digital Marketing? with Jessica Aries: The digital marketing landscape changes rapidly. When you want your marketing to make the maximum impact, these tips and tricks will help you stay ahead of the game.

Bring in business through traffic and sales

Lawyers aren’t just salespeople in court—you need to bring in web traffic and “sell” your firm to potential clients. These episodes will help you grow your web presence and make the sale:                                                                                                        

  • How Can You Get Free Traffic from Google? with Paul Counts and Shreya Bannerjee: Improving your website traffic is part art, part science. I chat with two growth and marketing experts about how Google business accounts can keep your content at the top of the results, plus their best tips to get better reviews—and why their methods will completely change your game.
  • What are the Four Words that Can Transform Your Sales? with Merit Kahn: In this episode, we chat about ways to get more business, without seeming pushy or old-fashioned. Learn about the three key components to making sales, and the four magic words to transform your sales conversations.
  • Where Do You Start with SEO? with Pete Everitt: Your site health is imperative, and Pete Everitt’s SEO expertise can help you improve it. This episode is the perfect primer to SEO: what it is, how to use it and why you should treat it as a long-term game.

Superstar guests and phenomenal discussions

While all of our guests are at the top of their fields, a few superstar guests stand out. Here are my top three conversations I’ve had this year: 

  • How Can You Avoid Social Media Overwhelm? with Andrea Jones: Social media is a powerful tool, but can quickly become draining. Find out the best practices for making positive use of your social media, while protecting your mental health.
  • How Do the Mentally Strong Manage Their Money? with Winnie Sun: Finances can be a major source of worry, even when you’re running a successful firm. In this episode, I chat with Winnie Sun about how to shift your money mindset, building credit, investing and other tips that can transform your attitude toward money.
  • Why Are Smart Lawyers so Bad at Conversation? with Celeste Headlee: Coming October 4, this episode with Celeste Headlee is based on her TED Talk. Lawyers make their living talking to people, so why are they so bad at conversation? Learn how honesty, brevity, clarity and most importantly, listening will make you a better conversationalist.

Embracing a growth mindset to create a happier work experience

The legal profession is notoriously tough, and it can take a heavy mental toll on lawyers. These episodes dive deep into the challenges of the profession, and how to approach them with a healthy mindset:

  • What Sources of Failure Should Lawyers Plan For? with Drs. Kim & Todd Saxton: Failures happen, even to lawyers at the top of the game. From knowing your worth to finding the right clients, there’s plenty of room for error. This episode covers common challenges and how savvy lawyers can plan for them.
  • Why is it So Hard to Be a Happy Lawyer? with Dannie DeNovo: Everyone in the legal profession knows that the mental health stats aren’t good. High rates of depression, anxiety and addiction plague even the most successful lawyers. In this episode, Dannie DeNovo and I discuss mental health struggles, and how it can impact your life as a lawyer. Join us for an honest, open conversation about why high achieving lawyers tend to be unhappier, how to get out of mentally tough spots and how to make changes to find fulfillment.

  • How Can Lawyers Be Healthier? with Julian Hayes: The legal profession takes an emotional and mental toll on lawyers, but it can also affect your physical health. In this episode, you’ll learn about the science behind burnout and how to use data-driven health metrics to upgrade your energy and overall well-being.

  • Why Do Women Lawyers Need to Take Up Space? with Nequosha Anderson: It can be hard for women to take up space in a world that frequently tells us we’re “too much.” I talk to Nequosha Anderson about social change and equality, why representation matters and how to trust your own voice.

Whether you start from the beginning or start with one of these highlighted episodes, we hope you enjoy our incredible guests and stellar content. We’d also love to know which topics we should cover in the next year of Counsel Cast content—reach out with suggestions, and tell us which episodes were your favorite!


I'm Karin Conroy

Founder of Conroy Creative Counsel, an award-winning recognized leader that has cracked the code of smart, sophisticated, and strategic marketing for law firms.

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