Just as people often make personal resolutions for the New Year, law firms can also use the turning of the calendar as a perfect time to set annual goals.
Successfully achieving these goals, though, takes some planning and commitment. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself as you brainstorm some good goals for your firm and as you track your success throughout the year.
What do you specifically want to achieve?
This is the very first and most basic step of goal setting. Think about where you would like your firm to be at the end of the year, and what specific milestones, benchmarks or accomplishments you would like to achieve.
Perhaps it’s to bring in a certain number of new clients. Maybe you want to invest more in your online marketing and lead generation. Whatever it is, try to be as specific as possible so you have a clear target to shoot for.
Is the goal realistic?
It’s important that any goal you set actually be realistically achievable for your firm. If it’s unreasonable, you will ultimately only get frustrated when you come up short by the end of the year. Goals don’t have to be lofty or grandiose—so long as you have some specific, targeted achievements for your firm, even simple ones, it will keep you moving in the right direction as an organization.
What actions will you take to achieve the goal?
Spend some time thinking about the logistics of actually progressing toward and achieving that goal. Do you need to change anything about your operations? What kind of investment will it take financially to get you there? Do you need to trim any unnecessary spending or find ways to run a leaner operation? Do you need any new staff, or to tweak the responsibilities of existing staff? It’s not enough to have a goal in mind, even if it’s a very realistic one—you need to have a roadmap for how you’re going to get there.
Does the goal align with your brand’s mission?
Any potential clients you encounter should clearly understand your brand identity and mission. The goals you set should align with your brand and your overarching mission.
So, for example, if your main goal is to reach a certain number of new clients in the year, you should adjust your marketing in a way that aligns with the kind of legal services you provide and the brand identity you’ve established. A personal injury firm might be more aggressive with its messaging, because P.I. attorneys are expected to be aggressive in seeking justice for their clients. An estate planning firm, meanwhile, will likely use marketing that focuses more on building relationships and developing emotional understanding with potential clients.
What is the current state of your clients’ journey?
When setting goals related to the client experience or client intake, you should thoroughly assess the state of your clients’ journey before making any changes. Uncover any weak points that exist in areas such as landing or sales pages, first points of contact or client service, and make any necessary adjustments.
Taking all of these tips into consideration, you can then create a checklist for set annual goals for your firm to make it easier to track your progress!
For more recommendations about annual goal setting at the new year, contact Conroy Creative Counsel.