
Use Color Theory to Increase Website Conversions

Use Color Theory to Increase Website Conversions

color theory

Selecting an appropriate website color palette is important since it increases readability, makes the navigation clearer and should include contrast that spurs emotions.  More importantly, color theory studies have shown that effectively leveraging the attention that is drawn by unique color can dramatically affect your conversion rates. Before implementing this concept into your website you must start with an effective overall color scheme that ties into the emotions of your customers.

Why Color Matters

Color theory can be a difficult concept for most people to grasp, especially those who are not employed in creative fields. Your website color choices matter because the use of the right colors has a strong effect on emotion as well as the potential to encourage a preferred behavior.  […]
Use Color Theory to Increase Website Conversions is a post from the law practice blog: Lawyerist


I'm Karin Conroy

Founder of Conroy Creative Counsel, an award-winning recognized leader that has cracked the code of smart, sophisticated, and strategic marketing for law firms.

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