
Your Website is For Your Clients, Not for You

Your Website is For Your Clients, Not for You

As you go through the process of building a website for the law firm, it’s all too easy to get so close to the project that you can’t see it from the perspective of a client.

While it’s natural to care how your website looks and have strong opinions about the content it needs, it’s also important to remember that your website is for your clients, not for you.

The way your website is designed and the written content you have should all be geared toward your target audience. It should be easy for a random person visiting the site to find the answers they need to their problems or questions.

So what can you focus on with your firm’s website to make sure it is client centric? Here’s a quick overview.

  • Client-centric design: Design is about more than making a site look good, though of course potential customers will be pleased to see a professional, crisp website that is well-cared for. But they’re interested in more than just how the site looks. They’re also looking for information, and thus any design you create must feature a sensible layout and clear spots for visitors to click through and find answers to their questions.
  • Client-centric content: Your clients should always be positioned as the protagonists in the content you put on your website. Instead of talking about your law firm, talk about your clients and their needs, and how your firm can fulfill those needs. Read back the content you have on your site and think carefully about whether it centers the clients.
  • Client-centric decision making: You should always keep the mindset that your clients’ preferences regarding your website are more important than your own. As a very basic example, you might not like a certain color or shade on your design, but if it resonates well with your customers then it’s worth holding on to.
  • Client-centric information: You can deliver even more value to your clients through your website by sharing testimonials, case studies, reviews and other such information. This sort of content doesn’t give you as the owner of the firm any additional value, but it’s extremely helpful to the people reading the site who want to see that you are a professional who is worth working with.

Working with a web design professional is the best way to get a website that truly speaks to your firm’s target audience. Contact us at Conroy Creative Counsel for more information about client-centric web design.


I'm Karin Conroy

Founder of Conroy Creative Counsel, an award-winning recognized leader that has cracked the code of smart, sophisticated, and strategic marketing for law firms.

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How we built our client’s websites to convey their message and deliver impact and measurable results for their law firms.


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