If you’ve considered starting or already have started a legal podcast, you’ve probably already done quite a bit of research into how you can get your podcast on places like Spotify, Apple Music and anywhere else podcasts are streamed.
However, don’t overlook the benefits of a dedicated website or landing page for your podcast!
With so many podcasts available these days, audiences have grown much more discerning with what they’re going to listen to. They want to see the podcast creators have put sufficient effort into building up their podcast and brand, and thus are more likely to trust a podcast that has its own custom website for it.
Here are a few tips to help you get started with the development of a page for your podcast.
- Hosting: You might simply decide to add your podcast as a landing page on your firm’s website, which is more than sufficient for plenty of law firms. However, some attorneys prefer to create an entirely separate page for their podcast. In this case, you’ll need to look for hosting. This is different than a platform for hosting podcasts like Spotify—you’ll need actual web hosting to build out your website, just as you’ve done for your firm.
- Domain: If creating a separate site for your podcast, you should choose a website name that fits with your brand. Ideally the name of your podcast will be available as a domain name. Otherwise, you should at least get as close as possible.
- Content: Your podcasts will speak for themselves, but you should still have some engaging content on your podcast website that encourages visitors to actually give them a listen. Content should give the reader a sense of what you will be talking about on your podcast, the kind of tone you use, a background of the podcast hosts and the podcast itself, and other relevant information that can help you sell potential viewers on pushing play.
- Design: The design of your podcast website or page should be consistent with your branding. Assuming the podcast belongs to your law firm, this should be simple—you’ve already got colors, a logo and various other branding imagery you can use. You might create a specific logo for the podcast, but otherwise make sure your branding is consistent with all of your other advertising materials. Include clips from previous podcasts, and video if you have it.
Ready to get started with marketing your podcast? Contact us at Conroy Creative Counsel for assistance!