
How Strong Branding Moves Clients Through the Marketing Funnel with Erin Andrea Craske

How Strong Branding Moves Clients Through the Marketing Funnel with Erin Andrea Craske

How Strong Branding Moves Clients Through the Marketing Funnel with Erin Andrea Craske

This week

This week on the podcast we discuss:

How Strong Branding Moves Clients Through the Marketing Funnel with Erin Andrea Craske

Elevate Your Law Firm’s Branding and Client Conversion! In today’s episode of Counsel Cast, “How Strong Branding Moves Clients Through the Marketing Funnel with Erin Andrea Craske,” join us as we explore the transformative power of branding in guiding prospects through the marketing funnel with branding expert Erin Andrea Craske.

She highlights the lack of engaging branding within the legal industry as a prime example of widespread branding issues. Erin stresses the importance of understanding that regardless of the industry, whether B2B or B2C, the target audience consists of humans, and emotional connection is key to effective branding. 

She argues that many companies fail to convert potential clients into actual clients because they overlook the emotional and psychological factors that influence decision-making. The conversation also covers the significance of targeting specific customer segments and the necessity of imbuing brands with emotional value to differentiate them from competitors. 

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Erin Andrea Craske, an award-winning strategist, boasts a 20-year career, culminating as Global Head of Consumer Brands. With expertise in strategic development, profitability, leadership, and communication, she’s an ICF-certified executive transformation coach. Leveraging 16 years of leadership, she empowers conscious business rebels to succeed and create positive impacts.


When you face a complex case outside your expertise, you bring in co-counsel for next level results. When you want to engage, expand, and elevate your firm, you bring in a Marketing Co-Counsel. Counsel Cast is the podcast that provides the expertise of a Marketing Co-Counsel for your law firm. Where your firm gets answers and clarity to your marketing questions.

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I'm Karin Conroy

Founder of Conroy Creative Counsel, an award-winning recognized leader that has cracked the code of smart, sophisticated, and strategic marketing for law firms.

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