
Is Your Marketing Funnel Leaking Clients? Improving Relationships and Conversions with Cindy Chang

Is Your Marketing Funnel Leaking Clients? Improving Relationships and Conversions with Cindy Chang

Is Your Marketing Funnel Leaking Clients? Improving Relationships and Conversions with Cindy Chang

This week

This week on the podcast we discuss:

Is Your Marketing Funnel Leaking Clients? Improving Relationships and Conversions with Cindy Chang

Strengthen Your Client Relationships and Boost Conversions! In this revealing episode of Counsel Cast, “Is Your Marketing Funnel Leaking Clients? Improving Relationships and Conversions with Cindy Chang,” we explore vital tactics to enhance client engagement and conversion rates in law firms with marketing specialist Cindy Chang.

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You have unique gifts to share. But… does the world KNOW what you have to offer?
Cindy is the person who helps make sure the answer to this question is a resounding: YES.
Cindy cut her teeth on marketing for nostalgic brands like Kraft Mac & Cheese to JELL-O, before leaving corporate and leaping into entrepreneurship. Today, she helps founders and creatives build their own brands: from scratch.
From helping an Asian woman-owned business break into the male-dominated construction industry… to launching grief circles during the holiday season… Cindy helps business owners with unconventional gifts share their work, and redefine norms along the way.


When you face a complex case outside your expertise, you bring in co-counsel for next level results. When you want to engage, expand, and elevate your firm, you bring in a Marketing Co-Counsel. Counsel Cast is the podcast that provides the expertise of a Marketing Co-Counsel® for your law firm. Where your firm gets answers and clarity to your marketing questions.

Harness the power of our podcast's expertise for your law firm.

Leverage the power of marketing to grow your firm.


I'm Karin Conroy

Founder of Conroy Creative Counsel, an award-winning recognized leader that has cracked the code of smart, sophisticated, and strategic marketing for law firms.

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